The GAA is pleased to confirm the recipients for Gradaim an Uachtaráin 2022. These prestigious annual awards, organised with the support of AIB and broadcast by TG4 on Friday, February 11th at 10.20pm, affords Uachtarán CLG with an opportunity to acknowledge outstanding commitment and long service across the club and county network.
The 11 awards are a cross-section of people who have shared the common theme of making an inspirational impact on their code and also their club and community.
Uachtarán CLG Larry McCarthy said: “The GAA is about Games, but it is people who make the GAA what it is. The GAA Presidents’ Awards is an opportunity for the Association to acknowledge a group of inspirational people who have made an outstanding contribution towards the success of Gaelic games.”
“They are, in many respects, ambassadors for the tens of thousands of volunteers who dedicate themselves to the promotion of Gaelic games at club, school and county levels and who we are so fortunate to call our own.”
“Their work is not motivated by recognition – but that is why it is all the more important to appreciate the work that they do and celebrate the fact the GAA is the better for it.
I’d also like to thank AIB for their support of these awards and their long-standing support of the GAA and also acknowledge TG4 who since their foundation have played a crucial role in the promotion of our games.”
The 11 awards are made on a provincial and code basis. As well as Gaeilge, Education and International Awards, the presentation of the annual Dermot Earley Family Award will also be made.
GRADAIM GAEILGE – SEÁN MACCANNA, Wolfetones, Derrymacnash CLG, Co Armagh
Tá aithne fhorleathan ar Sheán Mac Cana mar ‘ghlór na gCluichí Gaelacha’ in Ard Mhacha agus tá sé ina ról mar Fhear an Tí, nó mar Fhógróir Staide, le hos cionn trocha bliain anuas. Óna chéad lá os comhair an mhicreafóin shocraigh sé go mbeadh an Ghaeilge sa chur i láthair a bhí aige agus chuir sé an Ghaeilge ar comhchéim leis an mBéarla i gcónaí.
Bhí baint mhór ag Seán lena chlub, Wolfe Tone Dhoire Mhic Cais, agus aithnítear é go forleathan in Ard Mhacha de bharr an obair uilig atá déanta ag ar son Chumann Lúthchleas Gael agus na Gaeilge ina chontae dúchais.
Chaith sé cúig bliana mar Oifigeach Cultúir agus Gaeilge in Ard Mhacha, áit ar oibrigh sé go dian dúthrachtach i gcónaí agus é ag cur chun cinn na Gaeilge, Scór agus an chultúir Ghaelaigh i gcoitinne. Is minic a iarradh air post Fhear an Tí a dhéanamh ag Scór in Ard Mhacha agus níos faide ó bhaile. Ní ról na Gaeilge amháin a ghlac sé air féin mar riarthóir i gCumann Lúthchleas Gael. Chaith sé tréimhse mar Oifigeach Leasa Leanaí ar Bhord Contae Ard Mhacha chomh maith.
Tá na blianta fada caite aige ag saothrú ar son ghluaiseacht na Gaeilge agus Chumann Lúthchleas Gael. Chaith sé a shaol oibre mar mhúinteoir iar-bhunscoile Gaeilge agus bhí an-mheas i gcónaí air ar fud Ard Mhacha mar theagascóir. Is iomaí bliain atá caite aige i gceannas ar choláistí samhraidh i gColaiste Árainn Mhór, freisin.
Chaith sé na blianta ag imirt agus i measc na rudaí a bhain sé amach ar an bpáirc imeartha, bhuaigh sé Corn Uí Ógáin sa bhliain 1967 le Coláiste Cholmáin, Iúr Cinn Trá, agus chaith sé seal ag imirt agus ina bhainisteoir ar Choláiste na hOllscoile, Baile Átha Cliath.
Tar éis dó éirí as mar mhúinteoir chuaigh sé ar ais mar chúntóir Gaeilge i gColáiste Chaitríona, Ard Mhacha.
Fear é Seán a bhfuil an Ghaeilge agus Cumann Lúthchleas Gael go smior ann.
Known as the voice of Gaelic Games in Armagh, Seán has been MC in the Athletic Grounds and in other grounds in Armagh for over 30 years. As part of this role Seán has always adopted a bilingual policy and both Gaeilge and Béarla are heard in equal measure when Seán is MC. Seán has always been involved with his club Wolfetones Derrymacash and he is a well-known personality in Armagh due to his association with the GAA and the Irish language.
Seán spent 5 years as Oifigeach Cultúrtha/Gaeilge in Armagh in which worked diligently to promote Irish in the county as well as Scór. He has often been asked to fulfil the role of fear an tí at Scór in Armagh and further afield. He also spent time as Oifigeach Leasa Leanaí on the Armagh County Board.
He has been central in the Irish language movement, due to his association with the GAA, for many years and he spent his entire working life as an Irish language secondary school teacher.